Monday, 6 February 2012

A Little bit of Love...

Hi guys,

So I was eager to try something different with my nails as I'm (dare I say it...?) Getting bored with my current polish collection! So I figured with it coming up to Valentines and that, I might just try a Love inspired nail :)

I went out and bought a cheap white nail polish because my local OPI stockists didn't have "Alpine Snow". :(

I picked up one from the "Catrice" range and was highly disappointed... It went on streaky and gloopy and icky but as I had already started I had to finish... Some nails came out fine while others... Well you can see for yourself ;)

I got some use out of my new Nail art pens too which was a plus!

I popped about three coats of the white polish all over my nails and then just popped the letters on with a nail art pen. Easy Peasy! Although I will admit that as I am right handed, When working with my left hand the letters weren't quite as neat! :D But who actually looks that closely at your nails right? :P

The Catrice nail polish was only €2.79 so I suppose I can't really complain about the streaky nail polish, but still... They could have made a bit of an effort!

Will I repurchase a Catrice nail polish? No way Hozay!



  1. I love that design!

  2. these are really cute, surprised your polish was streaky. i find catrice to have great nail polishes. strange.x

  3. I dunno why then? It really pee'd me off though >:/ Maybe I'll give a different colour a go? Xx

  4. That is SO cute!

    Marie x

  5. I usually find that white nail varnishes are gloopy and don't apply evenly - what you've done though is super cute, I don't ahve a steady enough hand to do nail art :( x


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